09 May 2012


I've been thinking about it, and I'm fairly sure that I'm going to die in a car crash. I'd say I'm 85-90% sure that'll be the way I go. I can't help thinking about it when I'm in the car. I look at all the other cars filled with people, the other people filled with guts, and I think about how strange that is. You never really think about the people in the other cars, leading their own lives, driving home from work, to birthday parties, from the store, to the dentist, from divorce court, just like you never really think about the guts—unless something goes horribly wrong, and the people come out of their cars, and the guts come out of their bodies, and all you can think about is ohgodohgod put her back together this is somebody's kid, the love of somebody's life, maybe a parent, maybe a boss, maybe a total fuck up but look, here, here are her guts and they look just the same as the ones wrapped up inside me.

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