23 September 2012

Aquam an undam?

Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted nothing more than a drink of water. He went to the faucet with a glass and turned the handle, but no water came out. He tried all of the faucets in the house, but there was no water. This made the man even thirstier. He went outside and tried the hose, but there was no water there, either. He decided to take his glass and walk into the city. When he arrived, he tried every store and restaurant, but they had no water to offer him. They all told him the same thing, "I'm sorry, sir," they said. "We're fresh out."
The man saw that some customers at these businesses seemed to be drinking water.
"What about that woman over there?" the man asked one restaurant owner. "She looks like she's got a glass of water."
"We sold her our last glass. I'm sorry for the inconvenience," the owner replied.
Just as the man began to walk toward the woman, thinking he might ask for a small sip, she finished the glass in two large gulps. The man walked away, even thirstier than before.
As the man walked through the city, he noticed posters, billboards, advertisements on painted on buses, people in magazine covers, all of them featuring bottles and cups and pools filled with water. The man grew even thirstier.
He walked to the outskirts of the city, where he where he remembered once putting his feet in a cool, clear spring as a boy. When he reached this stream, he found that the spring was no longer cool nor clear. It was muddy, dried up, all slime and fish carcasses, not at all the way it had looked in his memory. Out of desperation, the man bent down on the bank of what used to be the spring. He was so thirsty that he dipped his hands into the slime, quickly withdrawing it to find that a dozen fat leeches had attached themselves to his flesh. Horrified, the man plucked the parasites from his palm and ran from the spring.
His mouth was drier than it had ever been. The man walked for miles and miles. He did not stop to eat or to sleep. Eventually, he came to the ocean. The waves slapped against the shore, and the man was overjoyed. It was more water than he'd seen in his entire life. He ran out toward the water, shouting jubilantly as he went. But by the time that the man was up to his neck in water, he realized that he was not thirsty at all. In fact, he was rather terrified to be in such deep water, having never been properly trained to swim. Just as the thought registered in the man's head, the waves swelled, and the water swallowed him up.

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